Working together with men to stop violence against women

Working together with men to stop violence against women

Working Together with Men (WTWM) works with men from diverse ethnic backgrounds to actively develop and lead their own projects to prevent violence against women. The men are encouraged to lead action that increases the respect and safety of women in Brimbank, Victoria.

WTWM underlines the role men play in advocating for change on the issue. The project supports and mobilises men through a process of education, capacity building and project development.

Seven men are currently engaged and are exploring the drivers of violence against women in their own communities. WTWM is working with these men to create champions and strong advocates for change by exploring the root causes of violence against women and issue of gender equity; exposing myths, raising awareness and upskilling the men throughout the process.

Their experiences are being captured by a local film maker, helping to showcase the increase in knowledge and capacity of the men, particularly their impressions of leading their own place-based primary prevention action and taking their learnings back to their friends and family.

The men honestly discuss their thoughts and involvement throughout the project and offer many interesting and thought provoking examples of what it takes to work with diverse communities in the prevention of violence against women.

Watch the story so far with this film, documenting some of the great work from these local men.

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