A Victoria free of the avoidable burden of disease and injury

A Victoria free of the avoidable burden of disease and injury

The Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2015-2019 (the Plan) establishes an ambitious vision for the state of Victoria:

"a Victoria free of the avoidable burden of disease and injury, so that all Victorians can enjoy the highest attainable standards of health, wellbeing and participation at every age".

At the centre of this vision is a focus on reducing inequalities in health and wellbeing across the Victorian population.

The Plan sets high level strategic directions for change and improvement, and introduces a strong focus on outcomes, targets and accountability. The Plan also recognises that improving health and wellbeing requires a collective effort across multiple sectors, and advocates for action across the health system, private sector, education system, community sector and more.

Three platforms for change have been identified - healthy and sustainable environments, place-based approaches, and people-centred approaches – alongside six priority areas for action:

  • healthier eating and active living
  • tobacco free living
  • reducing harmful alcohol and drug use
  • improving mental health
  • preventing violence and injury
  • improving sexual and reproductive health.

Together with a focus on improving health and wellbeing across all stages of life, these platforms for change and priority areas establish Victoria’s public health and wellbeing agenda for the coming years.

In delivering health and wellbeing improvements, the government has committed to developing an Action Plan to capture actions for health and wellbeing across government, and an Outcomes Framework to monitor progress. These documents are now available here. .

The Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2015–2019 and Health and wellbeing status of Victoria (companion document) are available here.

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