Area Partnerships website launched

Area Partnerships website launched

The new Children and Youth Area Partnerships website highlights Victoria's efforts to find better responses to local issues. And their efforts are now on show at the Area Partnerships website .

The new website also brings together Australian and international resources on social innovation and addressing complex social problems.

The Children and Youth Area Partnerships use a collective impact framework to bring together all levels of government, the health, education and community sectors, and Victoria Police, to improve the lives of children, young people and their families. The partnerships aim to support children and young people’s learning and development from cradle to career and build safe and supportive homes and communities.

Each of the eight Area Partnerships responds to its unique context and local factors, drawing on local data and knowledge to improve the lives of vulnerable children, young people and their families.

“They are helping shift the focus to prevention and early intervention. And they are testing new ways of working together to support children and young people to reach their full potential” said the Minister for Families and Children, the Hon Jenny Mikakos.

For more information see the Area Partnerships website.

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