Balance for Better: Business

Balance for Better: Business

The ‘Balance for Better: Business’ program aims to provide local workplaces with the information and tools to work towards a more gender equal workforce.

Workplaces have a vital role to play in creating an Australia where women are not only safe but also respected, valued and treated as equals in public and private life.

The purpose of the ‘Balance for Better: Business’ program is to support local workplaces in Wodonga work towards a more gender equal workforce.

The program will support local workplaces to develop meaningful gender equality strategies through the facilitation of information sessions, workshops and one-on-one support that aims to:

  1. Build a knowledge base - Provide education and training to workplace executives and internal gender equality champions on what is gender equality, the impacts of inequality on business and community and the benefits of a more equitable workforce for business.
  2. Provide tools and resources - Provide relevant research, resources and best practice tools to support workplaces through the process from engagement to planning, prioritising and implementation.
  3. Identify relevant workforce data - Educate on how to identify, collect and analyse relevant data to aid in the development and implementation of meaningful actions.

The program will help workplaces identify actions relevant to their business needs and resourcing that promote and embed gender equality and respect in the workplace.

If your organisation is interested in taking part in the Balance for Better: Business Program please contact Olivia Beaumont, Gender Equity Community Development Coordinator on (02) 6022 9343.

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