Barwon Health tackles sugar sweetened beverages in a healthcare setting

Barwon Health tackles sugar sweetened beverages in a healthcare setting

Barwon Health is positively influencing the health of those in the region through removing all sugar sweetened beverages and promoting healthy drink consumption.

Barwon Health is a regional health service with a strong leadership commitment to improving the health of patients, staff, volunteers and visitors. As part of joining the Healthy Workplaces Achievement Program, Barwon Health have changed the environment at all retail outlets and vending machines, making healthier food and drink choices more available and promoted in line with the Healthy choices: policy guidelines for hospitals and health services .

Over 200 recipes have been modified, unhealthy options have been removed and healthier choices increased and promoted. A committee of key stakeholders and strong executive leadership was responsible for the success of this work.

In 2016, CEO’s from 13 Western Regional Health Services joined in a commitment to remove sugary drinks from sale at retail and vending outlets at their health services. The CEO of Barwon Health led the decision for their organisation to join this commitment, to make a stand against the rising prevalence of obesity and Type 2 diabetes in the Barwon region.

Revenue results have been positive, which is great news for the food retailers. Surveys have shown customers are supportive of changes - “It's great to see a HEALTH service setting an example for healthy food choices”.

Barwon Health has the opportunity to influence many people with 7000 employees, 1000 volunteers, many patients and visitors and around 350,000 purchases made at food outlets each year. A Healthy Eating Policy and food service procedures have been developed to ensure sustainability of the changes. A promotion and education campaign has been run to engage staff and visitors in the changes to the food supply.

Barwon Health believe that, as a health service, they are responsible for providing an environment that promotes and encourages healthier food and drink as the preferred choice.

We encourage all organisations to look at their own food services, social clubs, catering and what’s in the staff kitchens, and make healthier food and drink choices available across your organisation for improved overall health of our community.

For further information please contact Melissa Tinney from Barwon Health on (03) 5421 53478.

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