Cranbourne Carlise OSHClub offers tasty, diverse foods as part of Vic Kids Eat Well

Cranbourne Carlise OSHClub offers tasty, diverse foods as part of Vic Kids Eat Well

Cranbourne Carlisle OSHClub, was one of the first in the Junior Adventures Group (JAG) to join a pilot program that saw 11 of their outside school hours care clubs from across Victoria join Vic Kids Eat Well as a network.

JAG was keen for its 11 sites be involved in Vic Kids Eat Well and saw it as an opportunity to elevate student wellbeing through continued delivery of tasty, healthy food and drink offerings across their outside school hours care programs.

As part of the network that joined, Cranbourne Carlisle OSHClub received additional support to make Vic Kids Eat Well changes from their local health experts, Monash Health.

With Vic Kids Eat Well’s bite-sized changes, the OSHClub selected simple improvements like offering milk as a drink as well as water and adding cheese to their fruit and veggie platter for afternoon tea. They also added delicious berry smoothies and nutritious wholemeal toast with soups. Learning opportunities were also enhanced by cooking veggies grown at the centre, creating dishes like kale pasta which the kids tried and enjoyed.

As a multicultural centre, Cranbourne Carlisle children, young people and educators regularly sit and talk about foods from different cultures to learn from each other. This promotes a lifelong appreciation for diverse cuisines

Vic Kids Eat Well supported shared eating experiences which enhanced the importance of belonging and a sense of community among the children and educators.

The educator at the centre encouraged all OSH programs to take part in Vic Kids Eat Well to continue to provide healthy foods that also bring people together and make the children happy.

The Vic Kids Eat Well movement is boosting delicious and healthy food and drink options available to kids at outside school hours care services, schools, sports clubs and other community organisations.

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