Focus areas of the Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2019–2023

Focus areas of the Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2019–2023

The Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2019–2023 (the plan) sets the direction for action across State and local governments, the health and wellbeing sector and the community at large to achieve sustained improvements in the health and wellbeing of all Victorians.

The plan identifies ten priorities, continuing the priorities of the previous plan with the introduction of two global threats to health and wellbeing: tackling climate change and its impact on health and decreasing the risk of drug resistant infections in the community.

In addition to setting a broad range of priorities the plan is placing increased attention on four focus areas for the next four years:

These focus areas have been identified to drive targeted, collective and coordinated action across the sector in areas we know we can make the greatest gains by: focusing on the leading modifiable contributors to the preventable burden of disease (tobacco use and poor diet); putting a spotlight on serious threats to public health and wellbeing (climate change); and directing action towards protective factors for health and wellbeing where there is evidence and capacity in the sector to support change (active living).

Implementation guidance has been developed to support partners to act on these focus areas across a range of settings, with specific resources for early childhood settings and schools, local government, health and human services and workplaces.

While there is increased attention on the four focus areas, all priorities will be supported and progressed over the next four years and the plan recognises the links between a number of the priority areas, for example, many actions to increase active living and healthy eating can contribute to reducing climate change.

We need to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of Victorians and by taking an evidence-informed and coordinated approach we can maximise opportunities across communities and within settings and services to support Victorians to live healthy lives.

Download the Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2019-2023

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