The Food From Home program has collaborated with Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute (Baker Institute) and the South Melbourne Market to release new resources and activities which promote healthy eating and sustainability.
There is a growing need to promote healthy eating in our communities using a sustainability focused lens. Many people are concerned about the environmental impact of growing and transporting food and the lack of vegetable intake within our community, with less than 10 per cent of Australians meeting their vegetable intake.
Baker Institute saw an opportunity to work with the Food from Home program to provide a range of materials and resources to enhance their newsletter and social media activity to amplify the Food From Home messages on growing food at home. This included developing a range of innovative recipes to support people to prepare simple, nutritious, and yummy recipes from the vegetables they have grown at home.
As the team started creating content, it became apparent that the materials weren’t reaching a large audience and one way to assist with this was to look for other partnership opportunities.
Excitingly, a partnership was formed between South Melbourne Market, Baker Institute and Food from Home. In the coming months Baker Institute and Food From Home will commence cooking demonstrations at the market to promote healthy ways seasonal vegetables can be prepared at home and give helpful advice around sustainability. The cooking demonstrations will integrate messages of healthy foods for families and kids, how to utilise seasonal produce, strategies to reuse food scraps and reduce wastage within a whole family approach.
Food From Home and Baker Institute share consistent messaging and this collaboration works both ways to strengthen the impact of the program across the community. Through this collaboration, they have been able to promote healthy eating and sustainability, create exciting content and form a strong partnership. The new partnership with South Melbourne Market seeks to further strengthen the impact, by reaching a large audience with important and relevant messaging around increasing vegetable consumption and food sustainability.
Share the @foodfromh0me Instagram page with your clients. Work together to promote and increase vegetable intake and food sustainability across your community.