Healthy Canteens is the result of a dynamic partnership between Monash Health and City of Casey, who want to increase healthy food and beverage options available in sports clubs’ canteens. Using local evidence and systems thinking tools and techniques mapping, Healthy Canteens is delivered in local sports clubs in Casey. A successful pilot was amplified and expanded in collaboration with Good Sports and the South East Junior Football League. In the expansion 33 healthy changes were made to canteen menus, and 21 green menu items were added. There was no loss of profit for any participating clubs.
Aligning to the state healthy eating guidelines, Healthy Choices, ensured there was consistency across settings implementing healthy changes. Drivers of success in the Healthy Canteens initiative included:
- building the capacity of club influencers
- partnering with external organisations for collective action, and
- being flexible in supporting clubs based on local needs.
Healthy Canteens are expanding into two neighbouring LGAs, and building further partnerships with leagues and state bodies. Monash Health is developing a whole of club approach that covers multiple priority areas as well as healthy eating.
Take a look at the case study developed by Monash Health and the City of Casey and see how they achieved their Healthy canteen success.
Healthy Canteens could make a difference in your local community. If you’re a sports club in Casey, Greater Dandenong or Cardinia contact us now!
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