Improving workplace health

Improving workplace health

Victoria's WorkHealth initiative is being redeveloped to support health and wellbeing across the Victorian workforce.

The WorkHealth program initially ran from 2008-13. During this time it performed almost 800,000 health checks on Victorian workers in over 38,000 workplaces.

The new WorkHealth initiative will build on the success of the original initiative.

A Ministerial Advisory Group made up of workplace experts and public health professionals is working closely with the Victorian Government to identify how best to roll out the next phase of this initiative for Victorian workers.

This group is chaired by Todd Harper, CEO of Cancer Council Victoria, and includes Tim Piper, Victorian Director of Ai Group; Jerril Rechter, CEO of VicHealth; Mark Stone, CEO of VCCI; Parliamentary Secretary for Health, Mary-Anne Thomas; Anna Peeters, public health researcher; Diana Taylor, lawyer and director; and Luke Hilakari, Secretary of the Victorian Trades Hall Council.

More information on the new WorkHealth will become available in the coming months.

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