Inclusivity, the focus of local sports clubs in Mitchell Shire.

Inclusivity, the focus of local sports clubs in Mitchell Shire

Participation in sports for people living with disabilities helps build self-confidence, improves physical health, and creates a sense of belonging.

Healthy Kids Mitchell collaborated with Mitchell Shire Council and ValleySport to deliver the Inclusive Sports Project that included a six-week come and try program throughout May – June 2023 showcasing various inclusive sports.

During the six-week Inclusive Sports Come and Try sessions, various sports were offered, including AFL, Soccer (offered twice), Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Rugby, and skateboarding.

Throughout the sessions, the participants provided valuable feedback through surveys. 18 participants joined the AFL session. Every participant expressed enjoyment, with 94% expressing interest in joining a club. However, some barriers were noted, including difficulties catching the ball, health concerns, parental work commitments, days, and times the sport was played.

Soccer was facilitated by Mitchell Ranges Soccer Club, a local sports club with a All Abilities team based in Broadford. There were seven participants, and all participants enjoyed the sessions. While 75% expressed a desire to join a club, concerns were raised about information accessibility, health issues, and clashes with parents’ work schedules.

Nine people participated in Wheelchair Basketball, participants enjoyed the session and expressed a desire to join a club. No barriers to participation were mentioned by these participants.

Four people participated in Wheelchair rugby, all enjoyed the experience and 50% expressed interest in joining a club and no barriers to participation were mentioned.

Two people participated in skateboarding; attendance to this session was impacted by school holidays.

Overall, qualitative data demonstrates participants enjoyed the program and sports clubs learnt about how to incorporate inclusive programs within their club.

To attend the Inclusive Sports Project, participants were required to register via an online platform. Quantitative and qualitative data demonstrated this method of registration was ineffective and phone or email registrations were preferred by participants.

Beyond the six-week come and try program, members of the Inclusive Sport Project are continuing to work with sports clubs to embrace diversity and inclusion for people living with disability.

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