Kids get into the garden as part of providing a healthy learning environment

Kids get into the garden as part of providing a healthy learning environment

Congratulations to Capel Sounds Educational Child Care Centre and Kindergarten in Tootgarook for working to create a healthy setting through implementing the Achievement Program.

The Centre has recently put in place some amazing ideas to create a healthy environment for their children, staff and families. With a focus on promoting healthy eating, the children love to spend time in their thriving kitchen garden, planting seeds, caring for plants and harvesting fresh produce. A favourite activity for the children is preparing delicious food with the fresh produce from their garden. “I like tasting new things from our garden” say’s Oliver who attends the Centre.

Capel Sounds Educational Child Care Centre began their journey to become a health promoting early childhood setting in 2017, when they registered with the Achievement Program – a Victorian best practice framework that supports early childhood services, schools and workplaces to become healthy settings, which reaches over 600,000 Victorians. The Centre is also supported by the Health Promotion Team at Peninsula Health.

“We were thrilled to receive recognition for the health priority areas of Healthy Eating and Oral Health and Physical Activity and Movement this year through the Achievement Program. We were also awarded advanced standing for Sun Protection, which is very important at our centre,” said Wendy Stoffels, Centre Director. Next the Centre will be working on the Mental Health and Wellbeing benchmark, and also have plans to host a Health and Wellbeing expo for their community later this year.

Congratulations to Capel Sounds Educational Child Care Centre and Kindergarten, and we wish them all the best for the rest 2019.

Early Childhood Services can apply a whole-of-service approach to be a healthy setting through implementation of the Achievement Program. For more info on the Achievement Program, visit the website.

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