Preventing family violence before it can start

Preventing family violence before it can start

Free from violence is the Victorian Government’s new strategy to stop family violence and other forms of violence against women before it can start.

The strategy makes clear that organisations across Victoria have a role to play in preventing violence. It recognises that we can all act on the underlying causes of violence in everyday places to build a society where all Victorians experience equality and respect in their homes, workplaces and communities.

In launching the strategy, Premier Daniel Andrews said, “Any form of violence against women is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We have to change the behaviours of all people who resort to violence and make Victoria a safer place for everyone.”

The development of the primary prevention strategy fulfils Recommendation 187 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence and forms an integral part of the Victorian Government’s broader family violence system reform.

Free from Violence takes a world-leading approach to changing the attitudes and behaviours that lead to family violence. It will be supported by the establishment of a dedicated Prevention Agency to drive focus on prevention over the long-term.

This is our opportunity to work together across sectors to challenge the norms, behaviours and attitudes that lead to violence.

You can find the new prevention strategy on the Family Violence website

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