Prevention Victoria needs your coronavirus (COVID-19) story

Prevention Victoria needs your coronavirus (COVID-19) story

Prevention, health promotion and community development approaches are particularly important in the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, for both disease prevention and maximising the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Responding locally to the coronavirus (COVID-19) demands we work differently. Now, more than ever, we need to learn from each other – we want you to share your experience:

  • What have you had to stop or change or adapt in order to stay safe?
  • How are your communities responding? What are the needs and opportunities to promote individual and community health and wellbeing?
  • Have new partnerships been formed?
  • What’s working and what’s not?

Prevention Victoria is a website for the prevention, population health and health promotion sectors. It showcases the work of the sector to the sector, covering community settings including school and early years, local government areas and recreation and sport. It also highlights initiatives in industry covering a range of workplaces, hospitals and health services and food and hospitality, as well as statewide policies and enterprises.

Agencies are encouraged to continue to direct efforts to the focus areas of the Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2019–2023 , however, in the current context, this may demand adaptive and innovative approaches to evidence-based practice! Tell us about this too.

Academics, please also tell us about the research you are undertaking and how the emerging innovative approaches are being captured to inform future policy, journal articles or reports.

Contact the Population Health and Community Wellbeing team in your DHHS Area to discuss your story ideas and download the template, from the link below, to submit your story. Using the template, please provide an engaging snapshot of your work and direct readers to where they can get more information, such as links to your website or websites of partner organisations, if applicable. A photograph of local work and/or workers is always appreciated (with the appropriate consent).

Submit your story via email. Contact Kimberley Brummelen or your local area team.

All agencies and staff are encouraged to keep up-to-date with current coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and information available on the Department of Health and Human Services websites Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) or Coronavirus COVID-19 daily update or through the department’s Coronavirus hotline (1800 675 398, 24 hours/day).

Download the story template!

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