QUIT's new resources provide need-to-know information about e-cigarettes

QUIT's new resources provide need-to-know information about e-cigarettes

In response to a concerning increase in the number of teenagers who are accessing and using e-cigarette products, or vaping, particularly in and around schools, QUIT Victoria has developed resources to help teenagers, parents and teachers understand the health risks associated with using e-cigarettes or vaping.

Australian surveys have shown e-cigarette use among teens and young adults has increased over the past few years. There is also evidence to suggest young people who use e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke tobacco cigarettes in later years.

The range of QUIT Victoria resources can be found here: E-cigarettes and young people: what you need to know.

The resources are designed to inform teenagers, parents, and teachers about the risks of vaping. They contain infographics and factsheets that address the common myths around vaping and e-cigarette products. Links are also provided to resources from the Royal Children’s Hospital and the Raising Children Network on ways parents and teachers can approach conversations with young people about vaping.

Vaping can pose serious health risks, such as lung injuries, and the long-term health effects associated with their use are still unknown. E-cigarette products, including non-nicotine products, contain dangerous chemicals that are likely to increase the risk of diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. And many e-cigarette products, even if they are labelled as nicotine-free, contain nicotine which is a highly addictive substance. Nicotine can harm adolescent brain development and impair memory and concentration.

The QUIT Victoria resources are based on information that was developed in consultation with parents, teenagers (with thanks to Youth Affairs Council, Victoria,) and the Child Health Poll team from the Royal Children’s Hospital (Victoria). The resources have been developed with funding provided by the Victorian Department of Health and have been tested in focus groups with teenagers and parents of teenagers, to ensure their effectiveness and appropriateness.

Please use these resources to assist with communicating the risks associated with vaping with your networks, including schools, sports clubs, community settings, hospitals, and health services. There are also social media tiles which can be downloaded for use on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Download the story template!

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