Seat at the Table – everyone deserves a seat at the table!

Seat at the Table – everyone deserves a seat at the table!

Seat at the Table uses a co-design approach to improve engagement around mental health of young people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds in Melbourne’s western suburbs.

Seat at the Table brings young people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds together with mental health service providers - because everyone deserves a seat at the table!

Running across Melbourne’s West, Seat at the Table uses a co-design approach by collaboratively creating ideas to increase engagement and reduce stigma around (the often sensitive issue of) mental health.

“co-design is about everyone having skin in the game”- Community participant

The purpose of the project is to actively engage with young people with lived experience and; to work together with service providers. The project continues to:

  • Pilot innovative strategies to promote mental health
  • Establish and support a network of young people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds with an interest in mental health
  • Develop an exemplary model of participation and build capacity amongst service providers for community participation
  • Improve participation in mental health services.

Ultimately, Seat at the Table seeks to support young people to develop ideas that would improve the mental health outcomes of other young people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds.

“How do we reach other youth? I want to champion the youth. And we have to help other parents know it’s safe for their kids to be involved” - Community participant

Find out more about Seat at the Table today!

Are you a young person from refugee or asylum seeker background?

Or, an organisation concerned with improving the mental health of young people?

Please contact HealthWest.

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