Supporting families to give their children a healthy start to school

Supporting families to give their children a healthy start to school

To help families across Hume and Whittlesea, DPV Health developed a series of short educational videos with practical, evidence-based tips on a range of health topics. The videos feature local families and are available to watch in English, Arabic and Punjabi languages to ensure they are accessible to a large section of the community.

DPV Health has developed a series of short educational videos and downloadable resources for parents with children starting school, addressing the key areas of – Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Healthy Behaviours. Support materials are available in English, Arabic and Hindi.

The videos were developed in partnership with local health care professionals, educators and supported by peak bodies including the Achievement Program, Healthy Eating Advisory Service, QUIT Victoria and Diabetes Victoria. to ensure the content is evidence-based and relevant to families.

Initial response from the schools, early years centres and agencies who have viewed the resources has been very encouraging, with 40 primary schools requesting printed copies of the resource pack to hand-out to families with children starting school in 2021. Initial evaluation has indicated a high likelihood of behaviour change across the topics covered in these resources.

It is hoped that by teaching children good habits early in life they will carry this into adulthood. Hume and Whittlesea local government areas (LGA) record higher rates of obesity and hypertension compared to Victorian averages. Poor nutrition and lack of physical activity in families across the two LGAs have been identified as key contributors to these figures.Only 1 in 25 children between the ages of 4-8 years consume the daily recommended servings of vegetables and only 23% of children aged 5-12 years meet the physical activity recommendation of 1 hour per day.

Click here to view the videos and downloadable resources. Please share these resources far and wide so that they may benefit maximum families in your community.

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