Monash Health’s Healthy Sports Clubs Pilot 2020-21 summer evaluation results indicate the most successful season yet towards progressive changes in creating a healthy and sustainable environment at sports clubs.
Using a place-based and systems approach in partnership with three local councils the Healthy Sports Clubs pilot initiative supported the largest number of sports clubs in its final summer 2020-21 season when compared to any other season across the two years of the pilot. There were 20 clubs that registered with a reach of 8,625 community members and 96 healthy actions implemented.
The increase in registered sports clubs was despite COVID-19 pandemic restrictions which limited sports clubs’ operations. Most sports clubs were supported to work on the Mental Wellness health area through a mental health first aid partnership project, including a local council and mental health organisation. Clubs implemented mental health policies to support all club community members and were supported by the local mental health service.
Healthy food and beverages were another popular health area. Clubs made changes towards a healthier canteen menu by significantly increasing green and decreasing red category items using Foodchecker. Clubs also implemented healthy food and beverage policies for canteens and for events.
Key enablers over the season included: partnership projects leading to increased club engagement, support provided to sports clubs by Monash Health to identify and complete healthy actions, and the increased acceptability and ability by clubs to have online meetings which allowed for greater flexibility in engaging and meeting clubs.
The Healthy Sports Clubs pilot has now come to an end, stay tuned for what’s next for the initiative.
For more information on the Healthy Sports Clubs pilot and available resources, please contact the Health Promotion Practitioner at Monash Community Health.