The Healthy Eating Advisory Service is still promoting healthy eating during coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Healthy Eating Advisory Service is still promoting healthy eating during coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Healthy Eating Advisory Service (HEAS) supports Victorian organisations to provide and promote healthy foods and drinks, and it is still open for business! HEAS continues to help you work on promoting healthy eating to staff, students, visitors and other people in your organisation through its free information, training, resources and Infoline.

HEAS has also established a coronavirus (COVID-19) information hub, which contains specific and relevant advice about ways to promote healthy eating during coronavirus (COVID-19) for each of the settings. It supports:

Information for early childhood settings and organisations is online now. Information for schools is coming soon. You can subscribe to the mailing list to receive an alert when new content is added.

The free telephone and email infoline are still open. You can email HEAS here, freecall 1300 22 52 88, or browse the website for information and services.

While most Victorian businesses are operating differently at this time, there are still ways they can support staff and visitors to eat well. Visit the coronavirus (COVID-19) information hub for practical information including:

  • continue implementing the Victorian Government’s guidelines for your organisation
  • tips to help staff and students eat well at home
  • ways to help your on-site staff make nutritious choices

The Healthy Eating Advisory Service is delivered by Nutrition Australia Vic Division with support from the Victorian Government. Visit their coronavirus (COVID-19) information hub now or email or call 1300 22 52 88.

All agencies and staff are encouraged to keep up-to-date with current coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and information available on the Department of Health and Human Services websites Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) or Coronavirus COVID-19 daily update or through the department’s Coronavirus hotline (1800 675 398, 24 hours/day).

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