This September will see the launch of the third State public health and wellbeing plan 2019–2023 (the plan). Legislated under Victoria’s Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, the Minister for Health is required to prepare a State public health and wellbeing plan every four years from September 2011.
The State public health and wellbeing plan (the plan) is the primary mechanism to work towards the continuing vision of all Victorians enjoying the highest attainable standards of health, wellbeing and participation at every age. Consultation with the sector has been a vital ingredient in the plan’s development with local government, key health and wellbeing agencies, service providers, researchers, and peak bodies informing how improvements in health and wellbeing will be delivered for all Victorians over the next four years.
In May 2019, five state-wide forums were held in Geelong, Bendigo, Traralgon and Melbourne (two sessions). The sessions were independently facilitated and over 220 delegates attended. A mix of plenary and small group discussions were conducted. Discussion centred around the consultation paper which set out proposed directions for the next plan. The sessions generated useful insights into the strengths of the current plan and opportunities for improvement.
An online consultation was also hosted on the Engage Vic platform with 118 responses received. All feedback is being carefully considered in the development of the next plan.
The next plan (2019–2023) will build upon significant work to date and have an increased focus on tracking progress and measuring outcomes via the Victorian public health and wellbeing outcomes framework.
We look forward to releasing the final plan in September 2019.
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