VicHealth’s new funding is all about partnerships

VicHealth’s new funding is all about partnerships

To get VicHealth funding you need to think laterally about partnerships.

VicHealth has changed the way they deliver grant funding. Their newly-created Partnership Grants opened on 19 November 2019, after which there will be two major VicHealth Partnership Grant rounds each year.

VicHealth knows that collaborating across sectors is required to improve the health and wellbeing of the Victorian community. Therefore, they are looking for organisations to form strategic funding partnerships with diverse organisations to help deliver the maximum health and wellbeing impact and drive positive health outcomes for Victorians.

Seven funding opportunities are currently available.

VicHealth invites organisations who qualify as funding recipients to think outside the box and consider who they could partner with to deliver the best possible outcomes for Victorians. They also invite all kinds of organisations to consider how they might access VicHealth Partnership Grants through innovative partnerships with organisations who qualify as official funding recipients (e.g. Local Councils).

We encourage organisations to think laterally about forging new partnerships and collaborating to improve the health and wellbeing of the Victorian community.

Learn more and apply here.

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