Respond Community Consultation Photo

Wangaratta community identifies 22 actions to improve childhood health and wellbeing

Gateway Health, the Rural City of Wangaratta and Northeast Health Wangaratta used systems science methodology, to facilitate a series of community workshops, that explored local factors impacting children’s health. The workshops were developed as part of Deakin University’s research project RESPOND (Reflexive Evidence and Systems interventions to Prevent Obesity and Non-communicable Disease). RESPOND applies systems science methods resulting in shared community interventions that positively impact children’s health and wellbeing. Wangaratta is one of twelve Local Government Areas in the Hume Region to implement this systems-based methodology to achieve collective impact at a large scale.

During the workshops, the factors identified by community members were mapped using a system mapping tool (Figure 1). These factors were divided into themes that include food, physical activity, family, societal pressures, and safety. Workshop participants identified 46 actions and prioritised 22 actions that they committed to implementing, including the development of:

  • a 'mobile art bus' using recycled materials to emphasis creative reuse and foster a sense of imagination
  • an 'accessibility for all' checklist for businesses and events
  • an annual 'come and try day' for clubs to showcase alternative physical activity opportunities
  • opportunities for food growing spaces and cooking skills

The partnering health organisations now provide ongoing support for community groups to action the system mapping and prioritisation activities.

This project saw a focus on inclusiveness, including the use of size inclusive language and welcoming the involvement of all interested community members. Results from the final community workshop survey revealed that the community engagement processes (i.e., systems mapping and action idea prioritisation activities) were highly valued and that aims for attending the workshops were met. Partnering organisations facilitating the workshops also noted the importance of bringing different approaches and expertise together to achieve shared outcomes, a true enabler of the RESPOND process.

For more information and to stay up to date about RESPOND Wangaratta, please visit the Gateway Health website here or get in touch at:

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