Victorians in locations across the state are benefiting from the collective actions of the Victorian Healthy Eating Enterprise.
Since 2012, the Victorian Healthy Eating Enterprise has been bringing stakeholders from across the food system together to create a vibrant, healthy eating culture across Victorian communities. Over 50 organisations from local and state governments, business, industry, health services and the community sector are now meeting and working together to create change.
The current priorities of this group are to reduce sugary drink consumption and increase consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables.
By taking a collective impact approach to promoting health eating, partners are seeing increased productivity and greater scale and reach across the system than they could have achieved in isolation. They are adding value to each other’s work and strategically coordinating their activities to make a greater impact.
Together, these organisations are putting healthy eating on the agenda for all Victorians.
Check out the Healthy Choices guidelines to see how you can help improve healthy eating in your workplace, retail outlet or community.
What are you and your organisation doing to work collectively to increase healty eating?
Submit your story!