Working together to create a culture of gender equity and non-violence

Working together to create a culture of gender equity and non-violence

The Royal Commission into Family Violence has given voice to hundreds of Victorians who have experienced family violence. These include children and young people; older Victorians; people from a range of rich and diverse cultures; gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex people; people living in metropolitan, regional and rural areas; people with disabilities; and those with complex needs.

Their experiences cover the breadth of society and point to the need to create a culture in Victoria that supports gender equity and non-violence.

To prevent family violence, we need to address the underlying attitudes and social conditions that allow family violence to continue. First, this means challenging and changing harmful attitudes towards women and children, promoting gender equality and encouraging respectful relationships. Second, as recommended by the Royal Commission, making better use of the services victims and people at risk of family violence connect with, such as maternity services, emergency departments, early childhood services and schools, to pick up signs that someone may be at risk and connect them to support earlier.

The Victorian Government is committed to implementing all 227 recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence. While leadership from the Victorian Government is essential, changing to a culture of prevention and early intervention will require effort from organisations and individuals across the state.

If we are to prevent family violence at its source, we need to work collectively to create a new culture that respects and supports all Victorians.

Find out more about the Victorian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

What are you and your organisation doing to create a culture of gender equity and non-violence?
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