Mansfield JumpStarts! Crawl and Play
Mansfield Crawl & Play provides endless opportunities to learn, play, explore and develop in a safe, fun and stimulating environment, filling a service gap local parents have long been asking for.
Opportunities to improve the health and wellbeing of our community are all around us. You have the ability to influence the way your world works. Whether it's in your school or early childhood service, at your local sporting club or across your entire community, you can make a difference. When we all work together, we can create a healthier community for everyone.
School and early years Local government area Recreation and sport
Mansfield Crawl & Play provides endless opportunities to learn, play, explore and develop in a safe, fun and stimulating environment, filling a service gap local parents have long been asking for.
The places where you spend your time have an impact on your health. Think about the places you go: your school, your local park, your shops and your neighbourhood. Are they safe and welcoming for everyone? Can you walk or cycle to them? Do they support healthy choices? You have the power to make a change for better health and wellbeing. Start a conversation today.
Strong, vibrant and connected communities are healthy communities. Get to know your local community. Connect with your local government. Explore your local groups and sporting clubs. And think about how you can help to create a friendlier, safer and healthier place for everyone.
Raising strong, healthy and happy children is important to all of us. Think about the messages children encounter, the places where they spend their time; and the role models they admire. Do the messages consistently promote good health? Are the places as safe and healthy as they can be? Are their role models positive and inclusive? Talk to the people around you. You have the power to make a difference.
School and early years Local government area Recreation and sport
Yarrawonga Health, in partnership with the canteen lease provider and dietetic students removed all sugary drinks from sale and reduced the serving size of fruit juice and flavoured milk to achieve the Vic Kids Eat Well Big Bite milestone.
Gateway Health, the Rural City of Wangaratta and Northeast Health Wangaratta used systems science methodology, to facilitate a series of community workshops.