Doing it with heart - Preventing Suicide in Aboriginal communities
The first statewide conversation about the difficult and complex issue of suicide prevention in Victorian Aboriginal communities was held in Melbourne on Friday 10 November.
The first statewide conversation about the difficult and complex issue of suicide prevention in Victorian Aboriginal communities was held in Melbourne on Friday 10 November.
Population ageing is significant in rural areas of Australia and is happening at a faster rate than in our metropolitan cities.
#HerTribe is a holistic healthy lifestyle and self-empowerment program, targeting Aboriginal women and their families in Victoria.
Agencies across the state are applying outcomes thinking to improve local health and wellbeing.
In Latrobe City, Victoria, 24% of adults smoke daily or occasionally, which is a significantly higher rate than the 13% of Victorian adults who are current smokers.
In 2017 Peninsula Health, St Kilda Football Club and its partners supported three AFL South East leagues to become smoke-free environments.
Innovative nurse practitioner approaches will assist in engaging people in hepatitis C treatment and increasing treatment rates in Victoria.
Bendigo Health is proud to support an organisation-wide, nurse led approach that systematically supports smokers to quit.