New population health findings now available
The Victorian Population Health Survey 2015: Selected survey findings report has been released, providing a snapshot of the health of Victorians.
The Victorian Population Health Survey 2015: Selected survey findings report has been released, providing a snapshot of the health of Victorians.
Nar Nar Goon Kindergarten joined the Achievement Program because they believe that the health and wellbeing of children, their families, staff and the community.
The Victorian Public Healthcare Awards are now recognising innovation, excellence and quality in prevention and population health.
Darebin City Council, in partnership with Women's Health in the North and No To Violence, have strengthened workplace policies and practices to support employees experiencing family violence.
On 28 June 2017 the Minister for Health launched the Victorian HIV Strategy 2017-2020 alongside Professor Sharon Lewin, the Director of the Peter Doherty Institute, and speakers from Living Positive Victoria's Positive Speaker Bureau.
Over 130 people came together in June to address the ongoing issue of stigma in health care settings and communities relating to blood borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections.
Halving the suicide rate across Victoria requires a clear understanding of the issues and what works in place-based suicide prevention.
The Sugar Hit forum helps councils plan for tackling sugaring drinks in their Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans.